Welcome to South Orange County Racquetball League League's Homepage

Welcome to the 
South Orange County 
Racquetball League 
Home Page 

The purpose of the league is to expand the racquetball community by providing
players the opportunity to meet other players in the area and improve their
singles game and take it to the next level by offering great competition among
players within their respective level.


Season: Flex format, you can play at any location and on any day of the 
week that is agreed upon between you and your opponent

Playoffs: Single elimination tournament, qualify by season performance,
director will determine location and schedule.

Visit the South Orange Racquetball League Website at https://socrb.prball.com
or Contact Rocky Carson or David Brown for updates and information.

Rocky Carson 
League Director
Text: 949-929-1037

David Brown
Assistant League Director
Text: 949-436-1264