Winter Haven Gold's Spring Finals

    The Spring Finals are over. Thanks to everyone playing hard and making it a great final. The A division set a record for athe longest match. Shaun Reid and Van Soles played for over two hours and Van came out on top but paid a price for it later in the finals suffering from bad cramps. Mike Hooker defeated Jose Mandry to move into the finals and defeated Van to take the top spot for the A Division. I'd like to mention John Sugar and Jerome Bareth who qualified for the finals and could not make it due to conflicts. Both players played hard to get there.
    In the Open Division, Troy Beardsley defeated Gari Tate and David Hunt defeated Larry Botz to move into the finals. David hunt defeated Troy to take the top spot in the Opens. Thanks to Brian for helping with food and shirts. Troy and Scott filmed the matches and will be posting them on Facebook soon. Again, thanks to everyone for making it a great league and thanks to Steven and staff from Golds gym for helping out.

    We should be starting the next league around the first week of June.

    David Hunt